Getting along with Siri??

This morning I shouted at my son when He spilled dressing On the table

It was not a big deal but I can't stop getting angry at him

He looks sad and my heart ached


The table is still sticky



It's rainy today. I don't like rainy day very much.

That's why I have to go out for changing feelings, bad mood

I've got to return the overdue books

I've reserved the books about history

I am interested in history in Japan recently

I've read the book about history but it's it was a bit difficult for me

So I try to read a book In the form of comic books

It is for children but it's worth a try


Anyway speaking  what I want to say in English  is a bit difficult And my pronunciation is not good enough so Siri Doesn't often recognize my English.

All I need is practice

I hope it will be good day🐝